Conveyor belt sushi restaurants in Japan now offer random airline ticket discount gacha capsules - Japan Today

2022-04-21 11:20:26 By : Ms. Li Lucky

JapanToday Gleams Akihabara 703 2-8-16 Higashi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0031 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: ©2022 GPlusMedia Inc.

There’s an element of surprise at Japan’s conveyor belt sushi restaurants, what with how you never know exactly what tempting type of fish is going to come down the line next. But if you’re craving even more happy surprises, conveyor belt sushi chain Sushiro and airline Peach are teaming up to provide it.

Back in the fall, Peach started its Tabikuji (“Journey Lottery”) campaign, which took the concept of a capsule toy gacha machine and applied it to air travel, offering discounted airline tickets to random location in Japan. Only two Tabikuji machines were installed though, one in Tokyo and one in Osaka. Now though Tabikuji can be purchased at any and all Sushiro restaurants nationwide.

As of Monday, diners at Sushiro restaurants will see a Tabikuji (旅くじ) button on their at-table order touchscreens. Tapping it will call a staff member over with a box to pull a Tabikuji capsule from.

Open up the capsule, and you’ll find a voucher for either 6,000 or 10,000 yen worth of Peach points that can be put towards the cost of a ticket to or from the airport listed on the voucher.

▼ This one, for example, is for Naha Airport in Okinawa.

With the Tabikuji capsules costing 5,000 yen, that means, at the very least, you’re coming out 1,000 yen ahead, if not 5,000, so if you’re a traveler with a long and broad list of places you’d like to visit, it’s like getting paid to add a dash of adventure to your itinerary.

Peach’s Tabikuji will be offered at Sushiro restaurants until March 31, and their air ticket discount points can be redeemed until the end of April.

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